Join us as FM Crew hosts the return of the Icebreaker Erg Relay Event! This exciting competition brings together local rowing teams for a morning of indoor rowing challenges and team spirit. This beloved pre-COVID tradition is making its comeback in 2025. Watch teams battle it out on the ergs in this high-energy kickoff to the spring rowing season. More details about team registration, relay format, and schedule will be posted as they become available.
Our spring season opens with some fast and furious racing at America's Largest Sprint Race. Featuring 10 lanes of 1500 meter racing on Saturday, our athletes will compete against top crews from throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Mid-West.
The 2023 Section III crew season kicks into high gear with the local jewel event of the season, the Central New York championships. All of the area schools -- the Baldwinsville girls, Fayetteville-Manlius boys and girls, Liverpool boys and girls and Syracuse girls -- will send their boats onto Onondaga Lake for a competition that serves as a state qualifier.
With over 80 New York teams and 550 boats competing, the NY State Championships is one of the largest state championships for rowing. This regatta is a qualifier for both USRowing Youth Invitational Regatta and the Scholastic Rowing Association of America National Championships.
2025 SRAA Regatta
The rowing team is teaming up with the dance marathon for an exciting ergathon fundraiser benefiting Camp Good Days. Athletes from both clubs plus all FM students from can row ergs and dance to raise money for the pediatric cancer organization. The event aims to offset club dues for the rowing team while also supporting an amazing cause. Rowers and non-rowers alike will take turns on the ergometers, completing as many meters as possible. Come support this fun filled event uniting the rowing and FM communities for an important charitable cause.
Movie Night @ The Boys in the Boat at Manlius Cinema on Sunday 1/7/23 at 3:55pm!
This will be held at the newly built Panera in the Fayetteville Towne Center. 20% of all proceeds will be dontated to the FM Crewsters. Use code FUND4U at checkout in the app or in store.
Bottle & Can drive. Drop off your bottles & cans at Winter training. FM Crewsters will bring them to the FM Bottle & Can Retrieval.
High School House One LGI (1109)
Tully’s will donate 10% of all purchases made by our supporters when you provide the coupon.
Bottle & Can drive. Drop off your bottles & cans at Winter training. FM Crewsters will bring them to the FM Bottle & Can Retrieval.
More info to follow