There are 8 rowing positions in a racing shell, plus the coxswain as follows:
- Seats 1 and 2: Referred to as Bow Pair. This pair focuses on “setting the boat”. Rowers in these positions typically have smooth and fluid technique.
- Seats 3, 4, 5 and 6: Referred to as the power or engine seats. Rowers in these positions are typically large and strong.
- Seats 7 and 8: Referred to as Stern Pair. They set the stroke rate for each side of the boat. Stern seats require fluid and consistent rowers. The 8 seat is also known as the Stroke.
- Coxswain: Person who steers the shell and is the on-the-water coach for the crew. The coxswain always faces the direction the shell is going where the rowers face the rear. Also called the “cox”.
- Stroke: The rower who sits closest to the stern. Stroke sets the rhythm for the boat; others behind must follow the cadence set.