Our spring season opens with some fast and furious racing at America's Largest Sprint Race. Featuring 10 lanes of 1500 meter racing on Saturday, our athletes will compete against top crews from throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Mid-West.

  • Date:2025-04-26 08:00 AM
  • Location Lee's Trailer Park, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA (Map)


2024 Itinerary - Saratoga Invitational - Preliminary.pdf



FM Race Schedule - Unofficial

TimeRegistration OpensEvent nameClassificationGenderEntrants
09:14 AMMarch 18, 2024Girls Varsity 4+ JuniorsF25 / 30
01:24 PMMarch 18, 2024Boys Varsity 8+ JuniorsM18 / 20
01:40 PMMarch 18, 2024Boys 2V 8+JuniorsM15 / 20
01:56 PMMarch 18, 2024Girls Varsity 4x JuniorsF20 / 20
04:04 PMMarch 18, 2024Girls Varsity 8+JuniorsF20 / 20
04:20 PMMarch 18, 2024Girls 2V 8+JuniorsF20 / 20
04:36 PMMarch 18, 2024Boys Varsity 4+ JuniorsM18 / 20
04:52 PMMarch 18, 2024Boys 2V 4+JuniorsM17 / 20
05:08 PMMarch 18, 2024Girls 3V 8+JuniorsF14 / 20



Off Site Parking is available at the Saratoga Casino.  Parking at the Casino is free. There will be shuttles running every 15 minutes back and forth from 6 AM to 6 PM both Saturday and Sunday. There will be a $5 fee for riding the shuttle.  


Any parking on the regatta site will require a parking pass, this includes tow vehicles (no cost but please display the parking pass which comes in registration package.) 

Parking passes will also be given to cars parking on Lee's Park (limit two per team.) And to car toppers. 


Please be kind to the parking volunteers, they do not have an easy job and all of them are either rowers or have family members that row. Please do not make it more difficult by not following the rules.